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Featured Projects
This page was build with HTML and CSS, and this is simple multipages project.
The semla – a small, wheat flour bun, flavoured with cardamom and filled with almond paste and whipped cream – has
become something of a carb-packed icon in Sweden.
Traditionally eaten only on the day before Lent, (the Christian fasting period), semlor are now eaten on a daily basis
by enthusiasts nationwide from Christmas until Easter.
Using vanilla js, this weather app allows users to access weather data for over 200,000 cities in either metric or imperial units. This project uses two APIs, one for current weather conditions and a separate API for the five day forecast. Build with HTML, CSS and Vanilla JavaScript, API
This page was build with HTML and CSS and it was my very first work!
Gelato, type of ice cream with Italian origins.
Sweets and drinks have been cooled using ice or snow since ancient times, and most cultures around the world have their
own histories of iced desserts, from the cone-shaped kulfi of India to Turkey’s salep dondurma, but it was probably in
16th-century Italy that the first gelato was made.